From next-level s* xual intimacy to amazing wedding planning withdrawal, here are the highs and lows you can expect in the first weeks of marriage and beyond.
Below are 5 things you should expect as a newly married couple.
1. S*x will be awesome
That doesn’t mean you’ll have it every night, or even every other night. This means that s* xual access is likely to be a big deal right after the wedding. Especially, for couples who chose to abstain prior to their wedding, s* x is the ultimate perfection of their union and will likely be a significant post-wedding crowning point.
2. It can sometimes be a tough return to reality
No matter how long you’ve been together or whether you lived together before you tied the knot, it seems that having that piece of paper comes loaded with expectations. And you may find your partner doesn’t meet each one.
3. You may experience wedding planning withdrawal
Some newlyweds go through wedding withdrawal. Post-wedding life can seem flat, dull, and even a bit empty. After months of filling every spare second stressing about the wedding, some couples find themselves staring at each other. This lack of tasks may initially feel like a void in your life.
4. You’ll grow stronger as a couple
When newlyweds give themselves privacy to simply be together in their first months of marriage, a cover builds up around them. Many couples report a reigniting of grand passions between them. Having made a lifelong commitment to each other, you may experience new and deeper feelings of connection.
5. You’ll realize you have to check in with each other
You’re not used to giving notice when you leave your apartment for a quick run. But once you are married you have to be accountable to one another about your comings and goings. So while you may once have enjoyed a night out with the girls without checking in first with your partner, now you want to inform one another about your time apart so the other person can make plans accordingly.
Source: Pulse Weddings